
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Into the Mind of Academic Propaganda [Example 5 of 9,832,115,345,353,451.337]

In once more exploring the world of future career options, I was searching through the internet to see just how the academic world of psychology would respond if I pursue that field.

Well, folks....

I happened across another one of those articles... on, of course, one of the most popular psychology sites for the common man. One of those articles that really illustrate to me why the last phrases of the Bible say, "Come, Lord Jesus."

Have a link:

And now, my friends, smile with me as we pray for the strength to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. (And try not to smile as you imagine heaping burning coals- Ahem.)

Now then, let us calmly break this article down and show just how biased these "open-minded" liberals are.

"Look at the following political positions and think about what the underlying thesis might be:
  • American exceptionalism and the need to protect it by strict immigration policies;
  • Anti-abortion under all circumstances (”Life begins at conception”);
  • Pro-capital punishment;
  • Pro-gun rights;
  • “Law and order” attitudes favoring harsh penalties for criminal behavior; Supporters of the “war on drugs;”
  • Anti-affirmative action;
  • Anti-reductions in nuclear weapons;
  • Anti-entitlements; anti-gay;
  • Anti-science (e.g., denial of evolution and climate change)..."
Hold up a second there. I'm seeing quite a few "Anti's". That's one of the basic tricks of propaganda. Look at how easily you can change viewpoints:

  • Stricter immigration Laws to protect the rights of lawful citizens
  • Pro-protection of life under all circumstances
  • Pro-justice
  • Pro-freedom
  • "Law and order" protects law abiding citizens and prevents criminal behavior; "war on drugs" to promote welfare of citizens
  • Against the discrimination of the majority to "atone" for the sins of their supposed "ancestors"
  • Pro-national security
  • Pro-advancement of civilization, Pro-natural definition of marriage
  • (Okay, this Anti-science claim is quite simply incorrect.) Pro-observational science.
Quite a different light, indeed. I could go on with the list, but I actually have homework that I need to finish today, preferably.

So let's continue to the second part.

"all of these ideas reflect a core belief in punishment as an instrument of socialization and enforcement of a rigid moral code based on fundamentalist religious beliefs."

This is called reality. If you want to be an idealist, stay out of the prison system.

"Why is punishment such an important concept? If one believes in the idea of original sin, that human beings are by nature prone to selfish and immoral behavior.... If we live in a two-alternative world in which the forces of light and darkness are always competing for our immortal souls, then we must be constantly alert and committed to overcoming our baser nature and hedonistic impulses in the interest of insuring our own salvation. "

Can you give me any proof to the contrary? These people are quick to throw out how meaningless "morals" are, and yet they still expect to be treated by the standards set by the ten commandments. If we live in a world with no forces of evil or good, then morals would be nothing but a social construct that "evolved" to prevent humanity from destroying itself, and none of us would have any obligation to give these politically-correct lummoxes with way too much time on their hands any decency or respect or "human-rights" whatsoever.

"In fact, the theme of punishment is prominent in anti-abortion theology.... What is being punished here? Sex!"
....I hope the author can see my face-palm from Maryland....
Who created sex? God. Does it have a place in his creation? Yes. Inside of marriage.
So let's get this story straight. You couldn't control your impulses enough to perform a simple ceremony, and didn't want to deal with the natural and easily foreseen consequences, and thus decided that murdering your own unborn child would be the perfect answer.

And yet, imagine how much of a fuss you would make if someone walked up to you during your selfish ranting and Saint Nicholas-slapped you in the face.

The rest of the article continues on in such blatantly biased and frequently untrue statements that I could continue on (and will, if anyone wants to hear more,) but I really do need to get off of here.

It's not that I'm saying Christians necessarily need to be conservative to be Christian, although I would argue that many liberal positions of today are incompatible with God's Word.
However, when you read articles and scientific papers written by these "experts", just remember how absolutely biased, unchristian, and unscientific they can really be.

Meanwhile, I'm lamenting how my blog somehow turned into a political commentary.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Slenderman Static

I was just looking through the photos of the zoo in Florida....

And suddenly noticed that Slenderman had apparently been in the proximity.


Sunday, April 5, 2015

I'm Back! Happy Easter!

Ahoy readers, loyal readers. I've been gone for quite some time, I hope you all haven't jumped ship.

I happen to be in Florida right now. Haha, yes. Feel the jealousy. Feeeeeeeel.

Aw, nah. Besides the ocean beaches and palm trees, I'd stick with Michigan any day. Because we are THE place to be in case of zombie apocalypse.

Not to mention, I'm already developing a pretty nice sunburn.

So that's life. But more importantly, I'd like to wish all of you a very Happy Easter!

I know that my redeemer lives,
    and that in the end he will stand on the earth.
And after my skin has been destroyed,
    yet in my flesh I will see God;
I myself will see him
    with my own eyes—I, and not another.
    How my heart yearns within me!

                        -Job 19:25-27