November is coming up soon, which means it's time to think seriously about what I'll be writing, more than just the fragmented imaginings of my mind.
If you've never heard of Nanowrimo, well, formal introduction. National Novel Writing Month - November. Writers of all sorts can head to to write 50,000, yes, 50K words in one month. There are thousands of others taking the challenge, and the website has writing tips, forums, virtual-write-ins, and official merchandise~!
Whatever thought induced me to try, this will be my second Nanowrimo. Last year I ended up with about 22K of my fantasy novel, A Kingdom Divided. It has remained at that amount to this day. However, I aspire to greater... aspirations.... this year! 50K! All the way! Optimism! Energy! Enthusiasm! ........Riiiiiiiiiight.
And so, I introduce to thee....
A Steampunk Mystery~
Thaddeus Grogan - A short-tempered Irish detective with a his flamethrower and a suspicious connection to the mafia.
A mysterious portrait of four friends, smiling with the joy of being together... until one of them disappears.
The Phantasmagoria, a reanimated ancient ship hosting an international diplomatic assembly... where one of the delegates is discovered dead.
The characters and world will be introduced more thoroughly at a later post. For now...
Saber Veritas. Over.
Na naaaa~ na na na naaaaa~ Hey, hey, hey~ Goodbye~
Well that's nice... I'll fix the font....